Assessment Rubric 1 & 2



The Motion = This House should supports the death penalty for corruptors
  • Opening Government
  1. When they out from the prison, there's opportunity for them to repeat their action
  2. The Corruptors have stolen money from taxes and the fund for public facility. It means they take people's rights
  • Opening Opposition
  1. The death penalty isn't humane. It's against human rights
  2. There's still other methods to punish the corruptors that more humane
  • Closing Government
  1. There's a lot of cases that more venial but the punishment was more oppressive
  2. They stole state money. They use it for their own goods. While it was public rights
  • Closing Opposition
  1. The death penalty is against human rights. It doesn't humane
  2. It's impossible for them repeat their action because when they free they can't be part of government anymore
The winner = Opening Government, because it's related with the fact


The Motion = This House would ban all pornography
  • Opening Government
  1. It's easy to access and very addictive
  2. It's damaging our society and disgrace for women
  • Opening Opposition
  1. Pornography still needed for sex education. Sex education can minimize sexual crimes that occur to the children
  2. Pornography can reduce the risk of prostate cancer in a man
  • Closing Government
  1. There's some cases where the children watch pornography together in the Internet Cafe
  2. It's addictive and broke their mind. It's damaging their future when they can't stop to watch it and their brain was broke
  • Closing Opposition
  1. Pornography can be a business. We can take prophet from it
  2. Pornography still acceptable for them who already married
The winner = Opening Government, because their arguments really good and they speak so well and confident


The Motion = The Reality Show brings more harm
  • Opening Government
  1. It's harm for teenager because they prefer to watch it other than do their homework
  2. It doesn't have any moral value and wasting time
  • Opening Opposition
  1. The reality show is very entertaining 
  2. The reality show such as "America's Got Talent" could motivate young generation to show up their talent
  • Closing Government
  1. Children usually imitating what they see. If they watch the reality show such as "Katakan Putus" it may affect negative action
  2. The reality show also airing lies. It doesn't based on the fact and foolish the watchers only to get high rating
  • Closing Opposition
  1. It depends on the watchers. The parents should prevent their children to watch the reality show
  2. It brings benefit and profit for the TV Station
The winner = Closing Government because the argument suits the real life


The Motion = This House would not use National Examination for Graduation Standard
  • Opening Government
  1. It doesn't effective because there's a lot of students who got poor grade but still graduated
  2. National Examination could depressed the students and disappointed their parents if the results are bad
  • Opening Opposition
  1. National Examination is our terms of standard mutual. If the students can't passed this one well then how can they deal with their others problems in the future
  2. National Examination seems not really hard
  • Closing Government
  1. A lot of students study so hard to prepare it and they get sick
  2. There's some students which has low abilities in study so they cheating to get high grade. If we let it be then we ruined their moral
  • Closing Opposition
  1. Because of National Examination we can see student's potential
  2. It's a test for student's knowledge. It can motivate them to enhance their knowledge
The winner = Opening Opposition because their arguments really strong

Extra point

The motion = The use of hand phone in classroom

I'm neutral team at this motion because smart phone is helpful also harmful.
Smart phone is very helpful to support teaching and learning activities. The teacher can use other methods at teaching such as using quipper, quizizz, and generation global. It can keep students interested in class and encourage them to be active in the class.
Smart phone provides easy access to more information, letting the students research more about a topic while having class discussions. The camera on their phone help them to take a picture of the lessons on the whiteboard/teacher's note which they have no time to write it down.
But, when students use their smart phone to check social media, play online games, chatting their friends and other misapply, It distract their focus and not listening to the teacher. They become undisciplined and hard to manage their time. It also decrease their social ability and stretch any relationships
So, there are pros and cons in using the hand phone in the classroom. I think it's important for the students to control themselves. And also the teacher must set a strict rules and enforce it.

(i have no chance to come forward and join the debate contest because the number of our student in class)


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